Early Cancer Detection


Hackney and the City have the highest proportion of tumours diagnosed at stages 2 and 3. Evidence describing equality of awareness of cancer symptoms and cancer signs among individuals from Black, Turkish, Asian ethnic groups is very low. Cultural preferences and a general lack of desire to talk about these conditions (especially in men) poses a number of barriers for practitioners to overcome.

Creative Brief

We were commissioned to develop a targeted awareness and engagement campaign in partnership with Social Action for Health (SAFH). Print and digital campaign assets were created for surgery and community notice boards, and out of home advertising, along with an animation to be shared in socials and WhatsApp.

Early detection cancer posters

Surgery and community notice board posters

Social Media

Outdoor and wayfinding visuals

Consultation and engagement playing cards to hand out at targeted events

Give up smoking design
Call to action 1
Get Active design
Call to action 2
Healthier living design
Call to action 3

Additional social media assets to encourage behaviour change in younger groups by getting more active and living more healthier lives