Dalston Conversation


Area based
consultation work

Hackney’s area based work brings together the planning, area regeneration, streetscene and culture teams under one banner to engage with communities on a range of projects to share ideas, thoughts and aspirations for their neighbourhoods. This community knowledge is used as an evidence base for future strategies and policies for each area.

It will shape the town centre in light of forthcoming changes, such as the potential arrival of Crossrail 2 and redevelopment of Kingsland Shopping Centre and other sites in the area. It will establish a sustainable vision, objectives, and short, medium and long-term delivery strategy over the next 15 years which will include a range of projects and proposals for the area.

The design team created branding, unique to each town centre project, focusing on cultural or historical elements that are recognisable to the local community. Elements of this branding have been used in subsequent strategic documents as a visual thread that draws together different service area’s work.