1:1 animated MP4s Local (9Mb size)
In this section you will find 1:1 animated MP4s. These can be used across all social platforms, but we have other sizes available as well.
These are our local borough campaign MP4s. Not all boroughs are represented.
If you want to localise and add your organisations logo, you should download the CANVA links document. You need to be subscribed to CANVA in order to add your logo to the designs.
Please only use a black or white PNG logo with a transparent background on the artwork, and refer to the campaign guidelines.
In this section you will find 1:1 animated MP4s. These can be used across all social platforms, but we have other sizes available as well.
These are our local borough campaign MP4s. Not all boroughs are represented.
If you want to localise and add your organisations logo, you should download the CANVA links document. You need to be subscribed to CANVA in order to add your logo to the designs.
Please only use a black or white PNG logo with a transparent background on the artwork, and refer to the campaign guidelines.
In this section you will find 1:1 animated MP4s. These can be used across all social platforms, but we have other sizes available as well.
These are our local borough campaign MP4s. Not all boroughs are represented.
If you want to localise and add your organisations logo, you should download the CANVA links document. You need to be subscribed to CANVA in order to add your logo to the designs.
Please only use a black or white PNG logo with a transparent background on the artwork, and refer to the campaign guidelines.
This is an example of the animated MP4.
This is an example of a 1:1 animated advert